September 23, 2013

Road Trip, and almost no knitting

Say it isn't so! Over 2200 miles and not a stitch knit whilst on the road. Because, I was the driver. There was a point, a long straight and uneventful stretch, where I considered knitting, just to make the driving more interesting. But it was just a thought. And I'd put my knitting all the way in the back hatch area, where I couldn't reach it without stopping the car. That wasn't on purpose, but turned out to be a good thing. Otherwise, I might have tried, just a little bit. "Honest Officer, it was just a bit of stockinet, and everything was going great until the purl stitches."

I went to see my brother, who lives in Idaho. I knew there would be lots of conversation, and I thought I'd get loads of stitches knit, but it didn't work that way. I'm not sure what happened, normally if I sit down to talk, knitting just appears in my hands. Well, the conversations were dynamic and funny, and there were dogs to watch play, and meals to cook together, walks and fishing, and the only knitting I did was enough to finish the sleeve on my Iced Over sweater. So now the body is done (maybe, I'm not sure its long enough, but last time it stretched so I made it shorter) and the right sleeve and I've started on the left sleeve. Other than keeping a row count and making decreases every so often, the knitting isn't demanding, but also not very interesting to sit and work on while nothing else is going on. Maybe a movie marathon is in order. I know that once the weather cools a bit, I'll really wish this sweater was ready for wearing.

While we were in Idaho, we went river rafting, the pictures are here. But be warned, there are no knitting pictures. And way too many pictures of Rowyn.

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