April 14, 2009

New Projects on the Needles

Last week I culled my Ravelry queue to things I'd like to start in the next couple of months, plus a few items that don't have a 'favorite' option. I leave those in my queue so I know where to find the patterns, remember the pattern names, and so forth. So I ended up with a nice tidy list of 9 projects. And then I promptly cast on for 2 projects that I didn't even have in my queue. Hey, I'm the boss of my knitting, right?

One is a pair of basic toe up socks for Hubby, he's been hinting about, and keeps mentioning how much he likes the first pair I made him. I'd been ignoring the hints, as he wants just basic socks and that's not very exciting to knit, but I finally realized that if I were knitting more socks, things would go much faster/easier with a new set of Addi circulars in size #1. :-) There is another good reason for these socks as well, my second project is a lace shawl, Muir, my first all lace project and I know it's a sit and knit quietly project, not a traveling project or a take me to the knitting group project.

I'd been eyeballing both Shipwreck Shawl and Laminaria (ok, I fell in love with the picture of the finished shawl draped over a rock like seaweed) as my first lace projects, I even have the yarn for Laminaria, and I got beads for Shipwreck, but then for some reason I decided I must use up this lace weight 2 ply tencel I've had in my stash for a couple of years. Its a multi color yarn, I wasn't sure how the colors would work out in a lace project, but Muir looked like a good choice to me.

Oh, I decided to block the clapotis, so it's all pinned out right now. I'll get new pictures posted up soon, but for now I need to wrap up, the power company is shutting down power to the neighborhood in a few minutes for some routine maintanace stuff.


  1. I just cast on last night a pair of socks for my hubby. He was walking around telling me how cold his feet were and how nice it would be to have a pair of knitted socks like everyone else in the family does. I can't really think of a reason why the man that buys me sock yarn shouldn't have a pair of socks immediately!

  2. this post makes me laugh a bit. almost as if you have knitting ADD. I don't know anything about that. no siree. :) nope nuh-uh. not me.
