My 2 Ravelympics projects are done. Perhaps I didn't challenge myself enough, but right now I am content with what I committed to and accomplished. With some additional yardage the Shine Sport yarn from the Printed Silk Cardigan would make a very comfy lightweight hoodie, or perhaps a summer top. The remnants from the Summer Cardi don't look useful for much of anything, but I think I'll try making it again, with some modifications. In which case all those little balls of yarn are just right. I still really love the color play.

And in a perfectly "Mommy, look what I did!" moment, here is an image of the side table I designed for my woodworking class. Not special in design; but I decided the size and shape and laid out all the pieces and all the joinery and figured out how everything should go together. Now I finally know how much and what type of wood I need, so I can go shopping. And, I learned how to use a new tool, that I used to make this pretty picture. Its called Google Sketchup, and I had great fun learning how to use it.
The side table looks great! Cool tool, that.