May 26, 2010

Non-Fat Chocolate, and other Delights (pic heavy)

Along back towards the beginning of May, a box was delivered to my house. Inside the box was pounds of wonderful chocolate, but not the type that would make my jeans too tight. Nope, this was a box of chocolate (I'm sure there is a proper Shetland name for this color, but as far as I'm concerned, its chocolate) fleece from Boulderneigh Shetland Sheep. I met Michelle last June at Black Sheep Gathering and purchased a fleece from her then, so when I ordered this fleece I knew it would be good. I fell in love as soon as I opened the box. This fleece came from a sheep named Browning.

Such a lovely color, crimp and length! (also very well skirted) I couldn't wait to try spinning some and started scouring just a soon a possible. Part of me wanted to leave the lanolin in, it just looked so pretty.
 But it scoured so easily that I ended up washing everything. I'm still a little sad about that because this is the kind of fleece I could see using to try out spinning "in the grease".

As soon as I had some dry, clean fleece I started spinning. Its been a busy month but I squeezed in time when ever I could. I spun from the lock, and I ran some through the drum carder once and spun that. This stuff cards like a dream. Then I spun some more from the lock and found parts to the fleece spin just as easily as if they'd been carded first.
I filled nearly an entire bobbin, but now I'm anxious to knit something with it, so its time to ply! I'm hoping to have something to enter into one of the contests at Black Sheep Gathering this year.
I also worked like crazy on my wood working class project, but still didn't get it finished. The frame is complete, the top is complete, but not connected, the drawer needs a front and the door pieces are made and assembled, but I might do those over. I'll get a picture up soon. If you live in the San Diego area, my clock from the fall semester is entered in the Student Showcase at the Del Mar Fair. I think my name card got lost, so look for the cherry Shaker style clock with sea shells for the dial face. 

I squeezed in some knitting time, cause while the Pocket Wheel is very portable, knitting is more portable. I developed a hankering to knit something with some of my early hand spun yarn. At first I thought of afghan squares, but wasn't thrilled with the idea. Then I remembered (or found it in my Ravelry queue, I don't remember) Buttonhead.  This patterned turned out to be perfect. It was a fun and quick knit, and my early hand spun looked better than I remembered. I love the results.
I wanted to do another hat and chose Morgan, a pattern for an English driving cap. I have it mostly complete, but the crown seems huge to me. So tonight is knit night (yeah, I can go again, no more class!) and I'll take the hat and ask the ladies for opinions. BTW, I did check the stitch gauge, but not the row. :-(
Other news around the home; Older Son has voted in his first election, mail-in ballot and Younger Son attended his Senior Prom last Saturday. I still don't have a picture of him in a tux. But trust me on this, he rocks a tux.


  1. I'm still tickled you like it, and really excited that I may get to see it made into something and entered in a contest at BSG! Thanks for the positive review; I usually have fleeces or roving available if anyone asks.

  2. How did you manage to miss the picture again? Too bad--I was looking forward to it. ;)

  3. How exciting to have a new, wonderful, fleece! Love Buttonhead. Hope to see you soon.

  4. love the buttons you used for buttonhead - looking forward to seeing it in person!
