April 5, 2012

I Think Its a Win-Win

Yesterday morning, while I was working out at the kettlebell place, I made a deal with Robert, one of the instructor/owner/operators. The deal was, I'd be back later that afternoon for the core class, a Pilates type gut buster, or I'd be in this morning for the 6:30 a.m. class. I don't remember ever voluntarily attending an exercise class that early. I consider myself a morning person, just not a morning exercise person.

I let the, uh, opportunity for the Wednesday afternoon class slip by and resigned myself to an early morning workout Thursday. Happily, things went well. Except for waking up at 4 a.m. I didn't plan on that, it just happens some time. I functioned, I didn't drop a kettlebell on my toe and I completed my exercise along with 8 other bright eyed souls. High fives all around at the end.

Here's one of the things I like about the workouts; while I might  detest certain activities in some routines, I like them all once the workout is finished. And I feel really good.

And there was a bonus! After workout, I crossed the street and waited for Trader Joe's to open. This normally busy store was nearly empty, there were no crying children, the shelves were completely stocked, and... there were no petition signature collectors standing outside the store. Positive feedback, all the way around. Plus, my exercise and grocery shopping were done. So I drove out to visit my Grandparents. We had In-n-Out hamburgers for lunch, a sort of tradition, and had a lovely visit.

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