November 30, 2012

Finally Feels Like Fall

At least, a coastal, Southern California kind of Fall. The last 2 days are grey and rainy, and suddenly, after long absence, prepping fiber and spinning wool sounds like the bestest way to enjoy the weather. I wonder how much I can get done, with a little red four legged helper around? Understand that, by help, I mean Rowyn grabs whatever is in my hand and runs off with it. Well, one way or another, we'll figure out a way to manage.

Evan decided he wants a Shark Hat (?!!) The yarn is purchased. The pattern downloaded. I was hoping he'd choose the Dead Fish Hat.   (both Ravelry links) Maybe I'll just knit one of those for myself. I was also hoping he'd chose a pattern that I could knit from stash. I do have some fantastic grey fleece, but at my current (non) rate of fibery output, I don't think the hat would get finished this winter. And it must get finished! Think about it, my (mostly?) adult son asked me for a knitted item! Off to find the needles and such!


  1. Oh shoot! Thanks for reminding me of Brian's Dead Fish Hat in progress; I need to finish it up for him for Christmas!

    1. you're welcome! (because you didn't have enough to do already?) I'm looking forward to seeing the hat!

  2. You're right - it finally does feel like fall, and I'm loving it! I also agree: when our kids ask for knitted items, casting on is the only response. Thanks for the goosebumps on behalf of Older Daughter - I feel the same way :)

  3. Today is Brian's birthday. I knit him a pair of slipper socks, and he was THRILLED when he opened that present – and put them right on. Priceless!
