November 4, 2009

Into the Pond

I've started a frog pond, and I'm populating it with finished objects that I don't find entirely satisfying. I almost love this cardigan, in fact I do love it once I put it on and get it adjusted just right. It won't stay adjusted though. Really, the neckline is too wide, and perhaps too deep as well. I might try re-knitting it. I did have a bunch of yarn left over, but I swapped it or sold it or something.

I love the colors of this cardigan, but I don't at all like the way it hangs on me when I wear it. I know part of the problem is with the joining stripes and trim, they aren't the same yarn as the panels and they don't drape the same way. They sort of pucker, causing the bottom edge to scallop, and the crab stitch crochet border makes the bottom flair outward. I think the back neck it too wide too. I'll try re-knitting this one, as soon as I figure out how to make it hang the way I want.

This little summer vest is my own design, and I've learned much from the process. Like how much cotton can really stretch out. And how I can block this thing over and over and after a few minutes of wearing, the armholes are again big enough to stuff a basketball through. I will re-knit this one. I will make the back neck narrower, the shoulders and fronts wider and the armholes shorter. Oh, and make the entire length shorter.

There is one other sweater I might add as well, I haven't decided for sure. And one other project that needs partial frogging so I can change the hem. If it's not a full frog, does that make it a tadpole? I'm pretty sure all of these sweaters are safe until sometime in 2010, and maybe even longer. At least now that they're officially in the pond, I won't keep putting them on, and then feeling dissatisfied with the finished project.

Tomorrow is woodworking class, and today is a good time for me to show off a bit of what I've been learning. This first picture is the rough lumber, its cherry wood. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but all the surfaces are very rough indeed, I was worried about getting splinters. The wood shop has machines that can give the lumber smooth edges and surfaces. I had to figure out what pieces would be cut out of where, that's what those chalk marks are for.

Once the wood is jointed and planed it's all smooth and an even thickness. That's the goal any way. And now its easier to see the grain of the wood. To cut and prepare the pieces for my clock I've learned to set up and use a radial arm saw, a table saw, a band saw and a router. I've learned about things like fixtures and jigs that make it easier to do things well. I've also learned about hand tools like chisels, planes, and scrapers, and how to use clamps to glue things together.

I didn't take many in-process pictures because for most of the time it didn't look like anything but different sized pieces of wood. See?  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to glue most of the carcass together. (Isn't that a funny thing to call it? But that is the official term) Then it will look like a box. I say hopefully because the middle shelf of my clock isn't wide enough. I might need to cut a replacement piece. I'll know for sure tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for posting your "frog pond." I have a vest and a cardigan that just DO.NOT.WORK. I figured I might as well unravel them so I can use the yarn for something else, and was feeling rather defeated. It helps to know I'm not the only one who spends HOURS on a project only to be dissatisfied with it....

  2. Life doesn't offer many do-overs, but knitting does!
